Catriona Brown

Catriona Brown

Vice President – Legal

Catriona has over a decade of experience working with founder-led businesses, as well as investors and owner operators who support them. At Cranemere, Catriona advises on all aspects of our acquisitions and corporate governance and is responsible for oversight of the legal functions of our European operating company. Prior to Cranemere, Catriona worked at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, representing clients in the UK, US, Europe and Africa in relation to investments, M&A and corporate matters. Catriona obtained her Bachelor of Laws with honours at Aberdeen University.

I joined Cranemere because, following my earlier career working as an adviser to founders and investors who supported them, I wanted to become more involved in the growth of innovative companies “from the inside.” I expected that I would probably find my way onto the in-house team of a founder friendly VC fund, but the opportunity to join Cranemere presented itself. I was impressed by the vision that Vincent had for the company as a true alternative to traditional private equity, and the chance to join at a stage where Cranemere itself was still growing offered the possibility of being a meaningful part of its development.

More than my education and experience, what defines me is finding the one-liner in any situation.

My favourite quote is “Only crime and the criminal, it is true, confront us with the perplexity of radical evil; but only the hypocrite is really rotten to the core.”

– Hannah Arendt, American Political Philosopher