Jamie Bridle

Jamie Bridle

Financial Controller

Jamie joined Cranemere in September 2018. He graduated from Victoria Univeristy of Wellington (New Zealand) with a Bachelor of  Commerce and Administration in Accounting and Commercial Law, along with a graduate diploma in professional accounting. Later he joined PwC where he completed his chartered accounting qualification under NZICA (now CAANZ). After arriving in the UK in 2015 he accepted a number of consulting/accounting roles in tech start-ups, media, engineering and retail companies before joining Cranemere.

Most daring thing I’ve ever done …..Go on a year-long solo backpacking journey through Latin America. Traveling with just a backpack taught me the value of simplicity and the freedom that comes with letting go of material possessions. Amidst the challenges of navigating unfamiliar languages and cultures, I discovered an inner resilience and resourcefulness I didn’t know I had. It also taught me how to connect with a wide-range of people, many of which I’m still friends with today.

My favorite mottoConcilio et Labore (“Wisdom and Effort”). It encapsulates the spirit of collaboration, thoughtful planning, hard work and tireless dedication to achieve success.